Our vision

“Our vision at Change Ahead is create a future where everyone has access to safe, sustainable housing and
the opportunity for a fulfilling, independent life”

Beneficiary Testimonials

“Before I found Change Ahead, I was struggling to find a stable place to call home. Their support not only provided me with a safe living space but also taught me how to look after it. The sense of security and community I’ve gained makes me so happy. I now have a place where I can build my future”.

E. Johnson

“I never thought I’d be able to escape my situation. My friend told me about Change Ahead and I met the team…they were so friendly. They understood my current situation and cared about my mental health. They shared useful tools to help my PTSD. I still have work to do but I feel better knowing I can reach out to my mentor”.

T. Richardson

“I felt lost when I was made redundant as an assistant at an accounting firm. Change Ahead gave me the confidence to rebuild my skills and find a new job opportunity with a small family-owned Garage Service. I felt a sense of purpose again…I am so happy. I feel confident and independent again…it’s life changing”.


Wellness Class Testimonials

I’m Sam and I had a great time today doing some calligraphy. It was very relaxing and I really felt like I discovered something that I want to continue. It was really well put together and it was a great experience.


My name is Karan, so I found today’s experience really soothing and relaxing, as a really valuable moment for us to take a deep breath and relax and reflect on ourselves and our life meaning and really immerse in the process while we are doing that – yeah it was really good.


Hi, I’m Jade. I really enjoyed today’s class. It was very thought provoking and it was a wonderful chance to connect with my colleagues and learn a little bit more personally about our experiences and we were able to unite through the power of art.


Hi, my name is Tara. I just completed the calligraphy course and I felt the entire workshop itself was very peaceful, very meditative, but also, learning about the traditions and the history and the emotion behind calligraphy and the art form itself, was incredibly breathtaking and its something I’m definitely going to think about after I leave.


My name is Chris, I thought it was very kind of enlightening and very freeing and think that well I kind of wasn’t really expecting how like emotional it was, in terms of just like – you could reflect on yourselves – it was truly an amazing experience.


Hi I’m Rebecca. I really really enjoyed today’s workshop I thought that it was crazy relaxing and I feel like I haven’t really done anything so meditative… something where you would think about yourself probably since secondary school… so it was really really amazing to just take it slow and think about things… such an amazing workshop.
